Re-authorization of NCLB: Commentary by Barbara L. Minton
Re-authorization of the No Child Left Behind Act and Its Hidden Agenda
by: Barbara L. Minton
From Natural News: The re-authorization of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) has become a priority for the final year of the Bush administration. The fact that independent test results have shown NCLB to be a dismal failure seems to make no difference. With a little tweaking, it must continue. As debate on this legislation heats up, a review of the issues surrounding NCLB and the agenda behind it may be in order.
NCLB is a federal law that provides money for a… Continue reading
AYP Pressure Mounts
Thursday, October 2, 2008, the Denver Post announced that only 48 of 151 Denver Public Schools schools met the adequate yearly progress (AYP) goals mandated by NCLB law. The article went on to report that statewide only 60% of Colorada schools met their progress targets, compared with 75% that met the target goals in 2007. The Colorado Department of Education attributed this decline to the schedule of AYP improvement that the law outlines. According to the NCLB law, every three years the bar is raised to meet the AYP goals, which are to culminate in 100%… Continue reading